Better Relationship Forum

This forum was created to help us serve our users better. We believe there is, and always will be room for improvement. We’re committed to helping all families communicate better, and that means we need your help.

Communicating effectively is a challenge and can require a tremendous amount of effort. When you add in other factors such as generational differences, family dynamics, long distances, time zones, various methods of communication, and hundreds of types of information being communicated - we recognize that we can only be successful with the guidance and support of our users.

These forums are guided, open discussions for you to tell us how your family is using Kinnect, what you like, and where we can improve to better serve you.

The Kinnect Better Relationship Forums will start in mid to late February of 2021. We'll notify you when this happens, at which time you'll be able to select a time to participate right here on this page.

In the meantime, you can contact us here.

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