Admins Make Sharing Easier

Did you know there are over 700 different types of information commonly shared among families? It’s a challenge to bring order to this chaos, which is why we have made it as easy as possible for you to let others help organize and share information safely.

As a Kinnect user, you can give connections you choose special permission to be an Admin over folders you select in your Vault.

Admins have the ability to manage information and sharing settings for the records in these folders.

Admin permissions can be managed in both Your Relationships and in the Vault.

The Admin feature has a widespread range of uses. Technologically capable family members are empowered to help you organize and share your information. Business professionals can also help you manage your information efficiently.

If you have attorneys, advisors, accountants, other professionals or family members who can help you manage the documents you will be storing in Kinnect, you can enable them to manage folders for you by doing the following:

  1. Invite your professionals or family members to Kinnect
  2. Connect with them
  3. Give them permission to be an Admin over folders you choose
  4. Communicate what you want them to upload
  5. Collaborate to share the information they’re uploading
  6. Make it easier for others to share with you

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